Sunday, June 02, 2013

Postcards from the Edge #2

Hello again 

Today is Sunday and like many Sundays of late I've spent it tapping away on my old faithful laptop, working on some god awful work project. You see I am one of those poor unfortunate and rare souls who work for the government and actually give a damn. So while a large percentage of my "job for life" government cronies whistle their time away at endless meetings and some time wasting vortex known as a "steering committee", poor old Bernie gets left doing not only her own job but all the crap everyone else is to busy for. Case in point, today, when I should be preparing myself for the onslaught of accreditation, I am finishing my department's newsletter...a thankless task with a government branded template that takes all its issues out on me, the humble newsletter boob. This task will then be followed by drafting a govt policy for corporate governance . No it's not a policy on implementing best practice in mental health nursing or even a framework for consumer and carer participation (both of which we desperately need to improve upon), No it's a policy on how to properly display documents in public areas of a hospital or community clinic and what we should and shouldn't be displaying. Life changing isn't it? Apparently it is a top priority.  

The only thing keeping me going is knowing that I have a bottle of Pimms and all the new episodes of Arrested Development waiting for me when I cross the finish line. Having said that it may be worth noting that I went to the giant liquor store to purchase my Pimms and then to the woolworths to buy fruit, not for my consumption, but to include in my giant glass of Pimms, without showering and wearing whatever I found at the side of my bed. I can safely say that I looked like this :

Just replace the cats under the arms with Pimms and fruit.


AndrewPeirce said...

At least you weren't wearing clothes that had been sitting by the side of the bed for the better part of a week and didn't have hair that looked like it had been shocked by electricity.

Enid said...

It's a storage term, haven't you seen the first season of Floor Cunts?