Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ten Films I Should Have Already Seen.

One of my New Year's Resolutions - in fact, there are only two - for the year 2013 is to get through as many of my Criterion films as possible. The other resolution is to watch some of the films which I really should have seen. There are a fair few that I haven't watched that as a film lover I should have seen - everyone has that group of films that they really should get around to watching and they just don't. 

This list is a set of ten films that as a film lover I need to watch. They're films that have shaped cinema and have made a huge impact on cinema. 

Citizen Kane - I've seen a great amount of this film. The first forty five minutes to be precise. I loved what I saw, but I never finished watching it and I'm not sure why. 

Rosemary's Baby - As a huge Mia Farrow fan, and a fan of Polanski's films, and also a horror lover, it's really surprising that I haven't seen Rosemary's Baby. I know the story, I know what happens, but that doesn't stop the fact that I haven't seen this classic.

Mean Streets - Early Scorsese, early De Niro, and an early classic. It's a crying shame I haven't gotten around to watching this, but I will this year. 

Gone With the Wind - Like Rosemary's Baby, I know what happens, and I've seen the finale of this film more than I should, but I really do need to watch the whole film. 

Notorious - As a Hitchcock fan I'm still amazed I haven't seen what many consider one of his best. I guess I just don't want to see a Hitchcock film that many consider better than Vertigo. I don't see how that is possible, but it still worries me a little.

Seven Samurai - Again, like many of the films on this list, I should have seen this and I know what happens. But that's what happens when your film is a genre-defining classic. 

Scarface - I've recently been going through De Palma's late 70's, early 80's films and I've not made the leap to watching his most referenced film Scarface. It's iconic for a reason I'm sure.

The Seventh Seal - Besides being mocked in Bill & Ted, this is also one of those arthouse films which gets beaten so much that the horse has died, been reincarnated and then died again. 

Schindler's List - Bernadette would argue that The Colour Purple should be on this list, but regardless, Schindler's List is a Spielberg film that I should have seen. It's his first major Oscar winning film and no doubt a brilliant film. 

It's A Wonderful Life - This one probably is the most disappointing miss for me. I've meant to watch it for a long time, but I've just never gotten around to it. Surprisingly though, I'm still relatively in the dark as to what happens.

And ten more that I should have watched:

The Wages of Fear
The Last Picture Show
Tokyo Story
The Rules of the Game
The Godfather: Part II
In the Mood for Love
City Lights
The Leopard

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