Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Top Ten Albums Of 2009

10. Them Crooked Vultures - Them Crooked Vultures - There's simply not that many albums nowadays that are mainstream successes and also have the ability to reach out and slap you in the face, demanding you listen to it. Infinitely likeable and addictive, this is the way supergroups should be made.

9. Wonder - Lisa Mitchell - Back when Australian Idol was interesting and - dare I say -  enjoyable (whilst I don't hold out for a Chanel Cole revival, I do look back on those days wearing funky rose tinted glasses) a little 16 year old twirp in the shape of Lisa Mitchell appeared. The judges praised her and said that success was on the horizon. Then she was voted off before her chance (or Chanel's for that matter) to monopolise on the Idol success. A few years later and she burst onto the scene with a damn likeable album - even the worst track on the album (a speech pathologists dream) Coin Laundry is catchy and enjoyable.

8. Radio Wars - Howling Bells - Waikiki were never big on my radar, what with the somewhat comical name, but with the refresh button pushed and Howling Bells' second album in, they've peeked my curiosity. Radio Wars is one of those albums which you forget you have on your iPod and when you hit shuffle and the amazingly brilliant Into The Chaos or Treasure Hunt surprises you, you just have to listen to the album again.

7. Veckatimest - Grizzly Bear - It's very easy for a band to become successful off one track yet when you buy the album it's all very same/same - here's looking at you Mumford And Sons - yet Grizzly Bear explode onto the scene with a great alternative album. Whilst Grizzly Bear no doubt have been around for a while, it's their track Two Weeks which people will remember them for, and when they buy the album they'll simply just have to dive in and get the rest. 

6. It's Blitz! - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - I've never gotten the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I've bought their albums. I've listened. I've appreciated. I've just simply never enjoyed their music as much as others have. Then It's Blitz! came out and bam! Zero and Head's Will Roll are perfect examples of great pop music. Karen O knows how to create great music, and here is an album which moves your ass whilst you are unaware of it. And that I'm quite happy to have happen.

5. Hombre Lobo - Eels - Hombre Lobo is a sequel to an album released almost a decade ago. Whilst I'm no fan of Souljacker, Hombre Lobo is much like Howling Bells Radio Wars album. Fresh Blood is just one hell of a great song - one which you just want to wind your window down whilst driving at full speed and howl along to. This is one of those albums that you just feel great listening to.

4. A New Tide - Gomez - At first listen to A New Tide I was convinced that Gomez had jumped the shark. I was convinced that Ian Ball had somehow managed to tear (the best band in the world) the band apart. I don't know how I came to that conclusion, but I just damn well did. And so I put the album away and listened to The Drones a little bit more. And a few months after A New Tide came out and the critical ribbing that A New Tide got (not just from critics but from the fans as well) had subsided. And oh was I sorry. The album is just pure bliss. It very well may be their best album of the decade.

3. It's Not Me, It's You - Lily Allen - My wife is confused about men. Specifically, men's admiration and love for Lily Allen. She's hardly a good looking girl. She can't speak proper english. She's obnoxious. But damn, her album is just fucking great. It's all infectious pop, and fortunately she avoids the pap. From the much male vocalist covered It's Not Fair to the anti-whatever "anthem" Fuck You, It's Not Me, It's You is just one hell of a great album. Enjoyable from start to finish.

2. As Day Follows Night - Sarah Blasko - I never thought that I'd use the term "beautiful" to describe music, but here goes. As Day Follows Night is the most beautiful album you will hear this decade. Sarah Blasko previously co-wrote her past two albums, but this time she went it solo and I really wish she had done this earlier. As Day Follows Night sees Blasko maturing and improving on everything right that she had done previously. If it weren't for my love and admiration of the man behind my album of the year, Blasko would have walked away with it.

1. Everything Is True - Paul Dempsey - When lead singers go solo sometimes things work out well and sometimes things go all Ian Ball-ish. Paul Dempsey gave the term solo album a new meaning with the release of Everything Is True. Playing most of the notes you hear on the album, Dempsey proves he's not just a great singer and guitarist, but very adept at other instruments too. Naysayers came out mentioning that Dempsey's solo album sounded a little too much like Something For Kate. That was inevitable, but what Dempsey created with Everything Is True is best realised in the track Fast Friends. Dempsey creates lyrics which people who listen to his music casually think that they understand and can relate, but with a song like Fast Friends he almost alienates those people. And that's part of the charm and brilliance of Paul Dempsey - writing songs for the emotionally fraught but tailoring them for everyone. Sure, Take Me To Your Leader is a retread of This Is The Life For Me from Desert Lights, but that's only a small mark on what is an emotionally exhilarating album. 


Enid said...
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Enid said...

Here is my reaction to your top ten albums of 2009 hit by hit.

10- them crooked vultures, oh you mean the band with the guy from the other band and the other other band, or as I like to think of them, just one of the many cds you buy and then hide from me in the glove box of MY car like the spending junkie you are. Also I vomitted a little in my mouth when you used the term "supergroup"

9. Lisa Mitchell-Wonder: here comes that vomit again. Also since you actually mentioned another lame idol contestant who confused her faux quirkiness and retro dress sense for actual talent I am sleeping on the couch.

8.Radio Wars - Howling Bells: in honor of this inclusion I am changing my name to Bandit Basement Tales

7-5 whoever they are I'm sure they are great but I listen to 6IX, you know real music no flash in the pan shit.

4- A New Tide- Gomez: Poor gomez, it is indeed time to split, I think hell is filled with elevators playing airstream driver 24/7.

3. It's not me, it's you- Lilly Allen: I might like this album if she just kept her mouth shut.

2. I think you are playing games with me dearest, do you need a tampon?

1. I agree, good work.